3 MINUTES TO LIVE By: Stephanie Stevens The south has some mega stars arising! I am very honored and privileged to be able to give you; my readers and music fans worldwide a hidden gem that I recently came across!! From the state of Tennessee, where the dominating factor is Country music; 3 MINUTES TO LIVE is releasing the pure hard rock and metal assets that we all love n adore The band formed in 2004 and quickly made a name for themselves with aggressive music, energy driven live show and songs that have diversity written all over them. Metal is metal be it a softer side, impactful and in your face, Aggressive and brutal or bouncy and broken down. To be an open minded and creative band in this day and age just gets my blood pumping and excited to be a part of the music community. This was my main reason for completely adoring 3 MINUTES TO LIVE’s latest CD STRIKE THE SHEPHERD. One minute on the disc I feel like I am going to hear a full-on assault like a HateBreed song gives you and then when the next track kicks in its like Pantera invaded your soul with the power and riffy segments that makes you want to start a pit. These guys have no shame on being creative, powerful and intense in the way they create music and I was eaten it all up track by track on STRIKE THE SHEPHERD. One song that stood out for me was a track called WATCH YOU BURN. If anyone knows the band Stemm (from NY), this song brought me back to the adrenalized, catchy yet fast and speedy elegance that Stemm always brought to their music. WATCH YOU BURN by 3MTL gets you hooked as soon as that damn chorus kicks in. Fast and powerful and just gets your adrenaline up. KNOCK ME DOWN brutal, aggressive and impactful to say the least! PIGS the realest and most powerful track lyrically on the album. The melodic tones and those vocal change ups intertwined with the intense backdrop of power and fury really makes you feel the emotion behind the song’s storyline. THE THRONE is another major heavy and energy induced track. The one thing I adore about this band is you can feel through a recording how powerful and brutal they probably are in a live show setting and it just makes you want more of what these guys are giving. AWAKE is a more subdued and catchy melody driven track, shows the diversity; and everything doesn’t have to be brutal and, in your face, to make an impact. The best part is not only does Brian Terry (vocals) go to the evil and aggressive elements of his soul and bring out crushing screams and growls throughout the CD, he actually has a pretty amazing singing voice and you can really feel and hear it in this track!! Lastly, the song that ends the album is the title track STRIKE THE SHEPHERD and honestly to end the CD on a crushing, pummeling and intense note like this is pure torture because you just don’t want the disc to be done!! Everything about this song is bold, ass-kicking, dynamic, driven and impactful. Like I said the album hands you a fist full of diversity and makes 3 MINUTES TO LIVE a stand out in the crowd for me!! Hopefully a lot of you getting introduced to this talented band and album will have the same reaction I did on first listen. I had the honor of chatting with vocalist Brian Terry about the band name, getting some incite on tracks off the disc and coming from the country mecca state to what the future of the band is heading into 2019!! FIRST OFF IN YOUR OWN WORDS DESCRIBE WHAT 3 MINUTES TO LIVE MEANS TO YOU ON A PERSONAL AND A MUSICAL LEVEL? I see a lot of people who live in a self-contained bubble and don’t take advantage of the life they have. focusing on material gain instead of experiences. I wonder what would go through their minds if they only had 3 minutes left to live. Whatever it is, that is what they should have focused on in their life. It’s about being real and true to oneself and not get hypnotized by this fake and shallow world we end up fighting for our lives in. “He who dies with the most gold wins” is a lie and sadly most of us get caught up in that lie until it’s too late. Musically it’s about being different from the pack and not being afraid to experiment with styles and sounds. We don’t follow, we do our own thing and you either like it or you don’t. We see a lot of division in the metal community about what genre is best and what qualifies as “real metal” and we could care less. We see people saying Disturbed isn’t “real” metal but Black Sabbath is. Disturbed is heavier than Black Sabbath so what’s the criteria used? It’s silly and all boils down to personal preference. It’s all metal. WHO IS IN THE BAND AND HAS THIS BEEN THE SAME BAND LINE UP SINCE 2004 WHEN YOU GUYS FORMED The band has gone through a few lineup changes over the years which I feel is sometimes needed for growth but the current lineup is; Chris Metker: guitars, Jordyn Penner:guitars, Joe Myers: drums, Abraham Martinez: bass,Brian Terry: vocals BEING FROM THE HEART OF THE COUNTRY WORLD. HOW IS THE METAL SCENE IN NASHVILLE AND WERE ANY OF YOU GUYS IN THE BAND GROWN AND BROUGHT UP ON REAL COUNTRY MUSIC OR WAS IT ALWAYS A ROCK OR METAL BACKGROUND? The metal scene in Nashville is really tough for a few reasons, being mainly a country music mecca makes it difficult to get people to take you seriously when you do metal music and also causes the list of venues to play metal rather small. The other thing that makes it tough is because it is Nashville, the level of musicianship here is super high. Lots of studio musicians live and play here so the bar for talent is pretty high. A few of us grew up exposed to country music so there is a little influence there but mainly rock and metal. STRIKE THE SHEPHERD FOR ONE HAS A LOT OF VARIETY GOING THROUGH THE SONG LISTING ON THE DISC AND ALSO A LOT OF STORYLINES THAT PEOPLE CAN RELATE TO. SO, MY QUESTION (S) ARE THIS WHEN WRITING FOR THIS PARTICULAR ALBUM DID YOU GO IN WANTING TO EXPERIMENT WITH GENRES OF MUSIC AND MESH IT INTO YOUR OWN MODERN STYLE (I HEAR A LOT OF METAL AND ROCK ELEMENTS BUT I CAN EVEN SEE A HARDCORE ATMOSPHERE AND EVEN A MORE MAY I SAY “POP” FLAVORING IN SOME SONGS? That’s how we always write. We all like different stuff and also some of the same stuff but it’s the differences that create the uniqueness in what we write. We look at our music not only with the eyes of a musician but also a fan because we were fans first before we were musicians and still are. When we write we try to envision watching it ourselves as a fan and ask ourselves “If I saw and heard this at a show would I dig it?” We don’t follow any supposed rules of any kind like “All metal songs must have________.” If it works it works. Writing inside a box is boring and silly. God forbid the “Council of metal” should deem us in violation of whatever supposed rule because we crossed genres or styles. Ooooooh we are scared now! It’s that type of elitism that is killing metal and music in general. Let’s not forget that metal came from crossing rock and roll with classical music and rock and roll came from crossing country and blues so the whole idea that there is a line you can’t cross is silly. LIVING IN THIS WORLD AS OF LATE I FEEL US CREATIVE AND ARTSY PEOPLE HAVE A SLEW OF STORIES AND REAL ISSUES TO WRITE ABOUT. DO YOU LOOK INTO THE WORLD AROUND YOU OR DO YOU KEEP IT SOLELY A PERSONAL PATH WHEN WRITING LYRICALLY? I do both actually but being that it comes from my perspective, even when I look into the world for song content it is still personal. SINCE YOU HAVE BEEN A BAND FOR A WHILE NOW HAS STRIKE THE SHEPHERD AS A WHOLE MADE YOU GUYS GROW AND CHANGE AS MUSICIANS AND WHAT SONG OFF THE DISC WOULD YOU SAY ARE YOU PROUDEST OF BEING A PART TO HELP CREATE? I feel that it has made us better as a band because it has shown us what we can accomplish when we all work together. Pigs is my favorite song on the album. Very proud of that one. PRIOR TO THIS ALBUM BEING RELEASED HOW MANY OTHERS DO YOU HAVE AND IF YOU COULD DESCRIBE THE PAST EPS OR ALBUMS YOU DID IN 3 WORDS FOR EACH HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THEM? We have released 2 prior albums I feel both were important in the band’s growth. Not sure I could describe them with just 3 words but if I had to it would be; beginning, learning, growing AS I STATED BEFORE A LOT OF REAL-LIFE ISSUES IN THIS WORLD CAN BE WROTE ABOUT AND PIGS I FEEL YOU DID A SMALL PART IN GETTING YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT A CURRENT SITUATION. HOW DID THAT SONG COME ABOUT AND ALSO VOCALLY YOU SEEM TO HAVE BROUGHT OUR A MORE SINGING AND MELODIC TONE TO YOUR VOICE; HOW DOES IT CHANGE THE WAY YOU APPROACH A VERSE WHEN YOU ARE PUTTING MORE OF A SINGING TOUCH TO IT? PIGS is about how all mankind are basically pigs; but some of us are better at covering it up than others. We all try to act like we are better than everyone or someone else but deep down we know we are all pigs. The current state of the world is a good example. We try to act all self-righteous but we have all done some dirt somewhere to someone sometime or at least thought about it even if just for a moment. Mankind by nature is weak and often gives in to his/her basic urges or weaknesses which usually causes suffering to others and or themselves. The key is to fight your “inner pig” and strive to be a better person. As far as how I approach songs vocally I usually just go by feel and if it feels right then that’s the direction I go. If it feels like a part needs something more melodic then that’s what I put there. ONE SONG I LOVE AND PRETTY MUCH MADE ME AN INSTANT FAN WAS THE SONG “WATCH YOU BURN” TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS ON THAT END PRODUCT AND HOW HAVE FANS TAKEN TO THAT SONG? ALSO, IS IT A FUN SONG TO PLAY LIVE? I am very proud of “WATCH YOU BURN” The chorus was the most difficult part to write on that song because I wanted it to fit the music and the overall theme of the song. Fans love it and it is very fun to play live. Our live show is where it’s at because we bring it hard and make it a real show. Every time we play we play as if it is the last time we will ever play. People come to shows to SEE the band not just hear them. You can do that at home with a CD or Itunes, what makes the difference is experiencing it live and being a part of that energy. You have to let yourself get caught up in the moment and experience it WITH the band. Everyone who comes to one of our shows doesn’t just watch it, they are a part of it. You can’t do that if you just stand on the stage like a statue. IF YOU HAD ONLY 3 MINUTES TO LIVE WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN YOUR LAST 3 MINUTES? I would spend it with my family and friends……….eating bacon. THE VIDEO FOR KNOCK ME DOWN HAS LIKE 1.8K VIEWS HOW DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL AND THE VIDEO IS A COOL JAM SESSION TYPE VID. HOW DO YOU GUYS LIKE SEEING YOURSELVES IN VIDEOS AND SINCE THIS IS A JAM LIKE SETTING WHAT IS THE WEIRDEST THING YOU GUYS DO WHILE YOU’RE AT A BAND PRACTICE USUALLY? Well we did a Facebook boost for it and that has over 20k views which is pretty awesome. It is kind of weird seeing yourself in videos but you get used to it. Weirdest thing we do at rehearsal? Not sure, we can get pretty stupid rockin out at times. WHO DOES YOUR ART WORK FOR THE ALBUM AND THE MERCH YOU GUYS HAVE OUT AND HOW CAN PEOPLE GET THEM SOME 3 MINUTES TO LIVE MERCH??!! That is a bro secret we only share with select brothers of ours because of obvious reasons (He is a total badass) so sorry can’t let that cat out. Go to our website HTTP://WWW.3MINUTESTOLIVE.COM and click on the merch button. Send us a message and we can hook you right up. We have shipped merch all over the world. ARE YOU GUYS ARE JUST LOCAL PLAYING BAND OR HAVE YOU DONE TOURS AND WILL WE SEE YOU GUYS DOING ANYTHING THE REST OF 2018 INTO 2019 Well we have a few shows left this year but right now we are preparing for the “big push” in 2019 which means touring. We plan on hitting as many states as possible in 2019 BIGGEST MUSICAL INSPIRATION FOR YOU AND WHY? That’s a tough one because I have so many so I will list a few of them and why. Led Zepplin and Soundgarden for their diversity. Pantera and Lamb of God for their ferocity. I RECENTLY HEARD ABOUT MACHINE HEAD DOING A FAREWELL TOUR WITH THE LINEUP THEY HAVE HAD FOR YEARS (WHICH IS HEARTBREAKING TO ME?…DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS AND HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT IT? NOT KNOWING YOU GUYS WERE INFLUENCED OR NOT BY THEM AT ALL BUT IF YOU COULD TAKE ONE THING FROM MACHINE HEADS MUSIC OR LIVE SHOW OR ANYTHING THAT THE BAND HAS DONE WHAT WOULD IT BE AND WHY? Well keeping a band together is a lot harder than people think. It can get pretty tense and stressful at times and not everyone is going to agree or get along all the time. The key is everybody has to love it and believe in it but over time some people just get worn down by it and if you have a member or members that are constant sources of stress then it has to be fixed or the inevitable happens. I personally like Machine Head but not really influenced by them, however our guitar players definitely are. WHAT IS THE BANDS 5 YEAR PLAN GOING INTO 2019? Branch out of state more, play some festivals, possibly go overseas, increase our online presence and hopefully get picked up as direct support on a tour. We have been made some offers by labels so we are currently going through them and weighing our options. Depending on what we decide, it could change everything and possibly speed things up. LETS PLAY A GAME: THIS OR THAT BEER OR HARD LIQUOR? Liquor SUNRISES OR SUNSETS? Sunsets PLAYING CARDS OR BOARD GAMES? Cards COKE OR PEPSI? Coke PAC MAN OR DONKEY KONG? Donkey Kong JASON OR MICHAEL MYERS? Jason MEXICAN FOOD OR ITALIAN FOOD? Aarrrgh! Can’t….do….it FOOTBALL OR HOCKEY? Hockey BLONDES OR BRUNETTES? Brunettes FACEBOOK OR INSTAGRAM? Facebook but starting to lean more towards Instagram.
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